Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm clearly an electrician.

Just to clarify - I'm a 22 year old who's still in college and technically employed as an office assistant at a corporate law firm. I make terrible money, despite multiple pleas for more and ridiculously non-office assistant responsibilities, including creating the company website, redlining documents and running personal errands. We are moving to a new office space shortly and will require a number of things to be done, all of which I am responsible for.

Recently one of my three attorney bosses D. asked me to write up a "work scope" for our electricians. Obviously, I don't know how to fucking do that, so I dodged it and did other things...until now.

My main boss A drags in these giant drawings from our contractors and tells me i need to contact "whoever 'Hoobie' at [big client] recommended to D" and tell him what we need to have done. Because I obviously know all about phone jacks and shit. She sits here at my desk and fishes through the drawings showing me these markings and going, "Now I think the open triangles mean an existing thing they'll have to pull...but wait then what do the half filled ones mean? Maybe those are new units...oh well there's no key, call P. and figure out what these symbols mean and then get all this info to the wiring guy and get a bid."

Okay then. I'll just do that. I'll just figure out what all of these drawings mean and call the contractor who's going to do the work and tell him what to do without sounding like an asshole. Yeah, let me just get right on that. WTF?