Thursday, June 28, 2007

Juicy? Charming!

The free world is going crazy over Juicy Couture's charms and accompanying bracelets, and why not? As I realized the second an exclusive charm was offered as incentive to me to purchase a silver pillar filled with Juicy fragrance, the designer charm bracelet is brilliance in marketing. It gives women an unlimited amount of reachable goals by continuing to release charms of various shapes and availabilities, squeezing anywhere from $35 to $70 out of us per charm. That doesn't account for when a charm becomes underproduced or limited edition and therefore is the coveted must-have of all wannabe debutantes that season. At any rate, I knew it from the moment I heard it and yet I could not resist the draw. I drifted over to eBay within two weeks of my perfume purchase and nabbed myself the Juicy Couture Enamel Charm Bracelet, shown here:Pretty sexy, huh? It doesn't match the silver cherry charm that came with my perfume, but it's definitely the cutest one. You can get this at Bloomies for $52 online now. Anyway, the charm bracelets are a little too affordable to be celeb style, and I'm usually not for the too terribly klinky jewelry - in fact, I'll probably let my bracelet be mostly free aside from a few tasteful charms. But each little trinket is so precious, I just couldn't help but fall in love with them.